Worship Experience

An increasingly popular option, particularly for bringing together groups from various faith traditions, is an ecumenical worship service using The Saint John’s Bible. Working with your staff and music leaders, we  will provide a framework for the event and help you plan and develop a multimedia experience, with processions and readings from the facsimile volumes, reflections on select passages, and songs, all punctuated with projected images from The Saint John’s Bible.  It will be an experience of sacred word, song and image your congregation will not forget.

Time: 60-90 minutes
Group Size: Limited only by the size of your space.
Host site provides:  Twelve or more volunteers will be needed to participate in the service, and the host site plans and provides all music selections and conducts rehearsals. 
Cost: For offsite presentations, a minimum of a $200 honorarium to the project is required, plus all mileage and other expenses incurred by the presenter as necessary.

For more information, contact Tim Ternes at 320-363-3351 or tternes@csbsju.edu.